Classics Lab

Advanced students in Classical languages and/or classical archaeology have an opportunity to work intensively with departmental faculty to contribute to a variety of ongoing faculty research projects. These collaborations offer the chance for students to refine their language and research skills, gain exposure to texts and research methods outside the basic curriculum and work towards tangible research outcomes. These may include research posters, creation of online databases, contributions to published works, or senior essay/thesis projects.

Faculty projects vary from year to year but currently include studies in Mediterranean palaeoclimate, lab-based scientific study and digital modeling of archaeological artifacts, detailed reading of a corpus of Classical texts for references to botanical or medicinal compounds (Birney, the OpenARCHEM project) or for terminology reflecting cognitive and emotional states (Visvardi).

Students who are accepted as research interns in the Classics Lab can receive lab credit in Greek, Latin, CCIV, Archaeology or Chemistry, depending upon the nature of their research project.  The minimum commitment is 6 hours a week for half credit and 12 hours a week for full credit. Participation is POI only.